

Registration Link

Registration Fee

Registration FeeEarly Bird Reg.Late Reg.IEEE Member
Students7000 (INR)7500 (INR)6500 (INR)
Researchers8000 (INR)8500 (INR)7500 (INR)
Industry9000 (INR)9500 (INR)8500 (INR)
Foreign Delegates200 (USD)250 (USD)150 (USD)
Accompanying Person2000(INR)/ 50(USD)

* One full paper registration is must for getting the facility of discounted rate for 2nd paper.

* REGISTRATION FEE for CO-AUTHOR /ACCOMPANYING PERSON is 2000 (INR)/ 50(USD) which will provide lunch and participation certificate.

* Conference registration fee (Normal/Early Bird) includes   admission to all technical sessions, morning and afternoon tea/coffee breaks and lunch (During their presentation date only),

e -Certificate/Certificate for the Presenter.


* Conference kit will be issued by paying extra amount for co- authors’ registration.