IEMENTech 2025

Registration Link

Registration Fee

Registration FeeEarly Bird Reg.Late Reg.IEEE Member
Students7000 (INR)7500 (INR)6500 (INR)
Researchers8000 (INR)8500 (INR)7500 (INR)
Industry9000 (INR)9500 (INR)8500 (INR)
Foreign Delegates200 (USD)250 (USD)150 (USD)
Accompanying Person2000(INR)/ 50(USD)

* One full paper registration is must for getting the facility of discounted rate for 2nd paper.

* REGISTRATION FEE for CO-AUTHOR /ACCOMPANYING PERSON is 2000 (INR)/ 50(USD) which will provide lunch and participation certificate.

* Conference registration fee (Normal/Early Bird) includes   admission to all technical sessions, morning and afternoon tea/coffee breaks and lunch (During their presentation date only),

e -Certificate/Certificate for the Presenter.


* Conference kit will be issued by paying extra amount for co- authors’ registration.